BTL-S8 K-Wing (9)Full unit name: BTL-S8 K-wing Assault Starfighter
Last updated: 13.02.2024 12:25:18
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Basic info
First appearance: Black Fleet Crisis 1 : Before the Storm
Was manufactured by: Koensayr Manufacturing
Koensayr Manufacturing
The BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter, commonly known as the K-wing, was a heavy starfighter/bomber. The K-wing assault starfighter was produced by Koensayr Manufacturing
Koensayr Manufacturing
, the same company responsible for producing the venerable Y-wing
BTL Y-Wing
Starfighter Models
. Like many other New Republic starfighters, the K-wing was designed to excel in a specific primary role in combat while retaining the flexibility to serve secondary functions if needed. The K-wing starfighter's primary missions included precision bombing of planetary targets, slow-moving capital ships, and spaceborne installations. It also performed secondary missions as an escort or reconnaissance ship. The hull design of the K-wing consisted of two primary wings attached to a fixed stabilizer. The two main ion engines located at the junction between the wings and stabilizer allowed the K-wing to achieve a sublight speed similar to the Y-wing, despite its larger size. An additional engine mounted along the centerline on the aft dorsal section of the stabilizer allowed the fighter to accelerate rapidly in short bursts, much like the SLAM system found on the Imperial Missile Boat. Unfortunately, the K-wing had no hyperdrive capability, and was always deployed from a capital ship.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: BTL-S8 K-wing Assault Starfighter Last updated: 13.02.2024 12:25:18